Chart Templates
The app supports commonly used charts and diagrams.
These include -
- Sankey Map Simple
- Sankey Map Revenue
- Sankey Map Expenses
- Sankey Map
- Radial Bar Chart
- Pie Chart
- Bar Chart
- Grouped Bar Chart
- Bar & Line Chart
- Line Chart
- Smooth Line Chart
- Stacked Bar Chart
- Stacked Line Chart
Less Common Charts
- Donut Chart
- Polar Chart
- Radial Bar Chart
- Sparkline Chart
- Scatter Chart
- Bubble Chart
- Grouped Scatter Chart
- Radar Chart
- Gauge Chart
- Speedometer
- Dot Plot Chart
- Arrow Plot Chart
- Range Plot Chart
- 1D Chart
- Progress Chart
- Progress Bar
- Heatmap
- Activity Chart
- Open/Hi/Low/Close
- QRCode
- Table
Business Diagrams
- Quadrant Chart
- Wave Chart
- Gantt Chart
- Venn Diagram
- Kanban Board
- SWOT Analysis
- OKR Chart
- Packed Circles Hierarchy Chart
- Sequence Diagram
- Funnel Chart
Example Templates
- Business Letter Template
- Presentation Template
- QRCode Ticket Template
- Packed Circles Org Chart
- Executive Overview - Donut Chart
- Project Update Gauge
- Electrictity Cost Heatmap
Sankey Map Simple
width 700
height 300
Sankey Map Revenue
width 700
height 300
iPhone, Products, 205.489
MacBook, Products, 40.177
iPad, Products, 29.292
Watch and AirPods, Products, 41.241
Products, Revenue, 316.199
Services, Revenue, 78.129
Revenue, Gross profit, 170.782
Revenue, Cost of revenue, 223.546
Gross profit, Operating profit, 119.437
Gross profit, Operating expenses, 51.345
Cost of revenue, Product costs, 201.471
Cost of revenue, Service costs, 22.075
Operating profit, Net profit, 99.803
Operating profit, Tax, 19.3
Operating profit, Other, 0.334
Operating expenses, R&D, 26.251
Operating expenses, SG&A, 25.094
Sankey Map Expenses
width 700
height 300
Salary, Gross income, 141500
Dividends, Gross income, 2500
Gross income, Taxes, 40000
Gross income, Student loan, 10000
Gross income, Home, 26000
Home, Mortgage, 20000
Home, Property tax, 2500
Home, Home insurance, 1000
Home, Utilities, 2500
Gross income, Living expenses, 38000
Living expenses, Groceries & dining, 9000
Living expenses, Car & fuel, 15000
Living expenses, Health insurance, 7000
Living expenses, Shopping, 4000
Living expenses, Travelling, 3000
Gross income, Savings, 30000
Savings, Traditional 401k, 10000
Savings, Roth IRA, 6000
Savings, Excess savings, 14000
Sankey Map
width 800
height 500
'Agricultural waste',Bio-conversion,124.729
Biofuel imports,Liquid,35
Biomass imports,Solid,35
Coal imports,Coal,11.606
Coal reserves,Coal,63.965
District heating,Industry,10.639
District heating,Heating and cooling - commercial,22.505
District heating,Heating and cooling - homes,46.184
Electricity grid,Over generation / exports,104.453
Electricity grid,Heating and cooling - homes,113.726
Electricity grid,H2 conversion,27.14
Electricity grid,Industry,342.165
Electricity grid,Road transport,37.797
Electricity grid,Agriculture,4.412
Electricity grid,Heating and cooling - commercial,40.858
Electricity grid,Losses,56.691
Electricity grid,Rail transport,7.863
Electricity grid,Lighting & appliances - commercial,90.008
Electricity grid,Lighting & appliances - homes,93.494
Gas imports,Ngas,40.719
Gas reserves,Ngas,82.233
Gas,Heating and cooling - commercial,0.129
Gas,Thermal generation,151.891
Geothermal,Electricity grid,7.013
H2 conversion,H2,20.897
H2 conversion,Losses,6.242
H2,Road transport,20.897
Hydro,Electricity grid,6.995
Liquid,International shipping,128.69
Liquid,Road transport,135.835
Liquid,Domestic aviation,14.458
Liquid,International aviation,206.267
Liquid,National navigation,33.218
Liquid,Rail transport,4.413
Marine algae,Bio-conversion,4.375
Nuclear,Thermal generation,839.978
Oil imports,Oil,504.287
Oil reserves,Oil,107.703
Other waste,Solid,56.587
Other waste,Bio-conversion,77.81
Pumped heat,Heating and cooling - homes,193.026
Pumped heat,Heating and cooling - commercial,70.672
Solar PV,Electricity grid,59.901
Solar Thermal,Heating and cooling - homes,19.263
Solar,Solar Thermal,19.263
Solar,Solar PV,59.901
Solid,Thermal generation,400.12
Thermal generation,Electricity grid,525.531
Thermal generation,Losses,787.129
Thermal generation,District heating,79.329
Tidal,Electricity grid,9.452
UK land based bioenergy,Bio-conversion,182.01
Wave,Electricity grid,19.013
Wind,Electricity grid,289.366
Radial Bar Chart
title Streaming Satisfaction Ratings
width 400
height 400
backgroundcolor "rgb(50,100,50,0.2)" white white "rgb(50,100,50,0.2)" -
datacolors lightgreen orange #d77
"Netflix" 65
"Hula" 70
"Amazon Prime" 64
Youtube 6
Britbox 74
Stan 82
Pie Chart
title Pets adopted by volunteers
subtitle "Excludes paid volunteers" "and Management"
source "Locally sourced data"
width 400
height 400
columnlabels Animal "Number Adopted"
# If there is more than one color, then a gradient is shown
# By default the gradient is left to right.
# This can be changed by adding a | or / or \ or - to make
# it flow in a different direction, or o to flow from the centre
backgroundcolor #c0c040 lightblue
Dogs 386
Pigs 185 offset
Cats 85
Fish 81
# You can highlight slices using offset
# of even make the whole pie look exploded by adding offset to them all
Octopii 134
Goats 129
Llamas 154
Rats 25
Bar Chart
title "US Sales Revenue 2024"
subtitle "Excluding technology" "Military and misc goods"
backgroundcolor #eee
datacolors red
width 600
columnlabels jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec
# y-axis zero 50% 100%
bar -2000, 1000, 2500, 4200, 6000, 7200, 8000, 8200, 7200, 5500, 5000, 4000
Grouped Bar Chart
title "Americas Sales Revenue"
backgroundcolor #f8f8f8
width 600
rowlabels US Canada
columnlabels jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec
# y-axis zero 50% 100%
bar 5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000
label Important "This is important" 85 5
bar 2000, 3000, 3500, 4200, 6500, 7500, 8000, 8200, 7200, 5500, 5000, 4000
Bar & Line Chart
title "EU Revenue"
width 600
backgroundcolor #f8f8b0
datacolors #fdf #0df #08f #00f
rowlabels UK Western Eastern Southen
columnlabels jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec
bar 1500, 2400, 3500, 4200, 5000, 5500, 6600, 7200, 7250, 6500, 5000, 4300
line 5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000
line 2000, 3000, 3800, 5200, 6500, 7500, 8000, 8200, 7200, 5500, 5000, 4000
line 1000, 2500, 3200, 3900, 3500, 4500, 5000, 5500, 5800, 5400, 3400, 3000
Line Chart
title "EU Revenue"
width 600
datacolors red green blue
rowlabels Western Eastern Southen
columnlabels jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec
y-axis 0 5500 11000
line 5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000
line 2000, 3000, 3800, 5200, 6500, 7500, 8000, 8200, 7200, 5500, 5000, 4000
filledline 1000, 2500, 3200, 3900, 3500, 4500, 5000, 5500, 5800, 5400, 3400, 3000
Smooth Line Chart
title "Asia Sales Revenue"
width 600
backgroundcolor antiquewhite
rowlabels China India Others
columnlabels jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec
y-axis 0 2750 5500 7750 11000
smoothline 5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000
smoothline 1500, 2400, 3500, 4200, 5000, 5500, 6600, 7200, 7250, 6500, 5000, 4300
smoothline 2000, 3000, 3700, 4700, 6500, 7500, 8000, 8200, 7200, 5500, 5000, 4000
Stacked Bar Chart
title "Worldwide Revenue"
width 600
backgroundcolor papayawhip
rowlabels Americas Europe Asia Oceana Africa
columnlabels jan,feb,mar,apr,may,jun,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec
y-axis 0 19000 38000
stackedbar 1500, 2400, 3500, 4200, 5000, 5500, 6600, 7200, 7250, 6500, 5000, 4300
stackedbar 5000, 6000, 7500, 8200, 9500, 10500, 11000, 10200, 9200, 8500, 7000, 6000
stackedbar 2000, 3000, 3500, 4200, 6500, 7500, 8000, 8200, 7200, 5500, 5000, 4000
stackedbar 1000, 2500, 3200, 3900, 3500, 4500, 5000, 5500, 5800, 5400, 3400, 3000
stackedbar 3000, 3400, 4200, 4900, 4500, 5010, 5900, 6300, 6100, 1900, 300, 100
Stacked Line Chart
title "Migration to the US by world region, 1820-2009"
backgroundcolor antiquewhite
width 600
datacolors crimson cyan darkviolet darkgreen yellow navy mediumvioletred mediumslateblue greenyellow orange rebeccapurple deepskyblue maroon green yellow navy red maroon darkblue
y-axis 0 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 7M 8M 9M 10M 11M
columnlabels 1825 1835 1845 1855 1865 1875 1885 1895 1905 1915 1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005
stackedline Austria-Hungary 0 0 0 0 3375 60127 314787 534059 2001376 1154727 60891 13902 13677 113015 27590 20387 20437 27529 33929
stackedline Germany 5753 124726 385434 976072 723734 751769 1445181 579072 328722 174227 386634 117736 119403 576905 209616 77142 85752 92207 122373
stackedline Ireland 51617 170672 656145 1029486 427419 422264 674061 405710 344940 166445 201644 28195 15701 47189 37788 11461 22210 65384 15642
stackedline Italy 430 2225 1476 8643 9853 46296 267660 603761 1930475 1229916 528133 85053 50509 189061 200111 150031 55562 75992 28329
stackedline Russia 86 280 520 423 1667 34977 173081 413382 1501301 1106998 61604 2473 605 453 2329 28132 33311 433427 167152
stackedline "Norway and Sweden" 91 1149 12389 22202 82937 178823 586441 334058 426981 192445 170329 13452 17326 44231 36150 10298 13941 17825 19382
stackedline "United Kingdom" 26336 74350 218572 445322 532956 578447 810900 328759 469518 371878 342762 61813 131794 195709 220213 133218 153644 156182 171979
stackedline "Rest of Europe" 15305 49451 94887 140469 98448 179347 366573 377610 569256 588775 808343 121780 123509 238410 399646 395658 284837 480673 790823
stackedline China 3 8 32 35933 54028 133139 65797 15268 19884 20916 30648 5874 16072 8836 14060 17627 170897 342058 591711
stackedline India 9 38 33 42 50 166 247 102 3026 3478 2076 554 1692 1922 18638 148018 231649 352528 590464
stackedline Philippines 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 19 605 0 0 457 4099 17245 70660 337726 502056 534338 545463
stackedline "Rest of Asia" 22 9 56 105 330 762 5107 45915 276926 245342 94016 12407 12669 107841 255205 903155 1486754 1630975 1743197
stackedline "Canada and Newfoundland" 2297 11875 34285 64171 117975 323974 492508 2668 123067 708715 949286 162703 160911 353169 433128 179267 156313 194788 236349
stackedline Mexico 3835 7187 3069 3446 1957 5133 2405 734 31188 185334 498945 32709 56158 273847 441824 621218 1009586 2757418 1704166
stackedline Caribbean 3061 11792 11803 12447 8809 14592 27600 31885 100960 120860 83482 18052 46285 115869 427843 708643 789343 1004114 1053357
stackedline "Rest of America" 463 1057 1370 4137 1686 2190 7332 3469 22667 55630 59565 16855 65081 178759 371390 394508 739262 1180822 1447657
stackedline "Central America" 57 94 297 512 70 202 359 674 7341 15692 16511 6840 20135 40201 98569 120376 339376 610189 591130
stackedline "South America" 405 957 1062 3569 1536 1109 1954 1389 15253 39938 43025 9990 19662 78418 250754 273529 399803 570596 856508
stackedline Africa 19 66 67 104 458 441 768 432 6326 8867 6362 2120 6720 13016 23780 71405 141987 346410 759734
stackedline Oceania 2 1 3 110 107 9094 7341 3279 11677 12339 9860 3240 14262 11319 23659 39983 41432 56800 65793
stackedline "Not Specified" 19173 83495 7196 71442 15472 592 778 14112 33493 488 930 0 135 12472 119 326 305406 25928 211930
Donut Chart
title Exotic Pets adopted in Italy
width 400
height 400
backgroundcolor "rgb(0,200,0,0.5)" white white "rgb(200,0,0,0.5)" -
donut 120 "Excludes" "Crocodiles and Alligators" "(and selected reptiles)"
Octopii 134
# You can highlight slices using offset
# of even make the whole pie look exploded by adding offset to them all
Goats 129 offset
Llamas 154
Polar Chart
title EV Market Share by Country
width 400
height 400
backgroundcolor #c0c040
columnlabels Country, "Market Share", Cost
United States,2.8,35000
United Kingdom,10.7,45000
Radial Bar Chart
title Streaming Satisfaction Ratings
width 400
height 400
backgroundcolor "rgb(50,100,50,0.2)" white white "rgb(50,100,50,0.2)" -
datacolors lightgreen orange #d77
"Netflix" 65
"Hula" 70
"Amazon Prime" 64
Youtube 6
Britbox 74
Stan 82
Sparkline Chart
title Seasonal Onboarding
height 200
width 600
padx 40
pady 40
columnlabels "Summer" "Fall" "Winter" "Spring"
backgroundcolor #c0c040 'rgb(200,230,250,0.5)'
datacolors orange darkred lightblue greenyellow
Scatter Chart
title Irises
columnlabels "Short Petal" "Long Petal"
y-axis "Narrow Sepal" "Wide Sepal"
backgroundcolor beige
columnlabels "Narrow Sepal" "Wide Sepal"
scattertype simple
9 22
14 25
13 35
23 35
30 47
38 24
40 50
23 58
51 60
28 60
57 79
66 75
73 80
85 78
80 83
85 97
90 103
95 101
80 110
85 112
Bubble Chart
title Campaigns
columnlabels "Low Reach" "High Reach"
y-axis "Low Engagement" "High Engagement"
backgroundcolor #f8f0f0
datacolors #C47ADA
columnlabels Campaign, "Reach", Engagement
scattertype bubble
# bubble charts have a label, x-value, y-value and a (option) bubble size
"Campaign A", 0.3, 0.6,5
"Campaign B", 0.45, 0.23,9
"Campaign C", 0.57, 0.69,3
"Campaign D", 0.78, 0.34,13
"Campaign E", 0.40, 0.34,14
"Campaign F", 0.35, 0.78,7
Grouped Scatter Chart
title Vehicle Speed vs Power
columnlabels "Slower" "Faster"
y-axis "Low Power" "Higher Power"
backgroundcolor beige
columnlabels Speed Power
scattertype grouped
# grouped scatter charts have an x-value, a y-value and a group name
9 22 sedan
14 25 sedan
13 35 sedan
23 35 sedan
30 47 sedan
38 24 pickup
40 50 pickup
23 58 sedan
51 60 pickup
28 60 pickup
57 79 pickup
66 75 pickup
73 80 coupe
85 78 pickup
80 83 pickup
85 97 coupe
90 103 coupe
95 101 coupe
80 110 coupe
85 112 coupe
Radar Chart
title Goal Scorers
backgroundcolor beige khaki
columnlabels 'Robert Lewandowski', 'Cristiano Ronaldo', 'Lionel Messi'
'2017', 33, 19, 40
'2018', 24, 36, 34
'2019', 31, 17, 34
'2020', 32, 33, 19
'2021', 43, 25, 24
'2022', 29, 18, 11
Gauge Chart
title Project Status - Epic IV
width 400
height 200
backgroundcolor "rgb(50,100,50,0.2)" white white "rgb(50,100,50,0.2)" -
datacolors lightgreen orange #d77
donut 120 "76% complete"
"Bugs Fixed" 30
"This Sprint" 20
Backlog 20
title Client Satisfaction Evaluation Ratings
width 400
height 200
backgroundcolor lavender lightblue -
datacolors powderblue lightsteelblue cadetblue
donut 90 "Program 1"
gauge 85
"Not Happy" 25
Satisfied 50
"Very Satisfied" 25
Dot Plot Chart
title Gender Ratios for Selected Countries
backgroundcolor beige #efe -
columnlabels Country Combined Male Female
width 500
columnlabels 38 45 51
Monaco 53.1 51.7 54.5
Japan 47.3 46 48.7
Germany 47.1 46 48.2
Italy 45.5 44.4 46.5
Greece 44.5 43.5 45.6
Hong Kong 44.4 43.5 45
Austria 44 42.8 45.1
Spain 42.7 41.5 43.9
Netherlands 42.6 41.5 43.6
Finland 42.5 40.9 44.3
South Korea 41.8 40.2 43.4
France 41.4 39.6 43.1
Poland 40.7 39 42.4
"United Kingdom" 40.5 39.3 41.7
Russia 39.6 36.6 42.5
Norway 39.2 38.4 40
"United States" 38.1 36.8 39.4
"New Zealand" 37.9 37.1 38.8
China 37.4 36.5 38.4
Arrow Plot Chart
columnlabels 2000 2020
width 500
padx 150
title Change in Median Age for Selected Countries
"Asia & Pacific"
Japan 7.29 9.89
Australia 22.97 30.46
China 21.78 24.94
Indonesia 8 20.35
Malaysia 10.36 14.41
"New Zealand" 30.83 40.83
"Europe & Asia"
Finland 36.5 46
France 10.92 39.51
Germany 30.94 31.17
Netherlands 36 33.33
Norway 36.36 41.42
Spain 28.29 44
Switzerland 23 41.5
"United Kingdom" 18.36 33.85
Turkey 4.18 17.32
Range Plot Chart
datacolors #f88 #8f8 #888
title Swing in US Voters
width 500
padx 130
columnlabels Republican Democrat
columnlabels 1 48
"Asia & Pacific"
Japan 7.29 9.89
Australia 22.97 30.46
China 21.78 24.94
Indonesia 8 20.35
Malaysia 10.36 14.41
"New Zealand" 30.83 40.83
"Europe & Asia"
Finland 36.5 46
France 10.92 39.51
Germany 30.94 31.17
Netherlands 36 33.33
Norway 36.36 41.42
Spain 28.29 44
Switzerland 23 41.5
"United Kingdom" 18.36 33.85
Turkey 4.18 17.32
1D Chart
title "Luxury Car Ratings"
backgroundcolor bisque
datacolors lightblue purple green orange red
width 600
height 400
'Honda' "xy-658",66,-2,
'Mercedes',"go-123 | go-345 ",29,-1
'Average',"Luxury Sedans",51,0
# Add labels to any chart.
# The 6 fields are Title, then Content...
# ...followed by percentage along and down the label is
# Optionally add a line to point anywhere
label "Our Pick" "Porche" 80 100 51 90
label "Runner Up" "Beamer" 15 30 19 62
Progress Chart
title "Savings Goal"
subtitle "Aiming for $15,000"
backgroundcolor bisque
datacolors lightblue purple green orange red
width 600
height 100
max 15000
'Al', "$1,541",1541
'John', "$9,541",9541
'Red', "$13,541",13541
Progress Bar
title "Sales Target"
subtitle "2024 is already beating 2023"
backgroundcolor bisque
padx 30
textcolor darkblue
datacolors lightblue orange
width 600
height 100
max 100
'John', "December",51
title Cost of Electricity by Country and Year
datacolors #C9E6B3,#C2E4AF,#CCE9B7,#D3EFD0,#C6E6BB,#D9F1D7,#CCEAC4,#C4E7B7,#D6F5D0,#CAEDC2,#C9E6B3,#C2E4AF,#CCE9B7,#D3EFD0,#C6E6BB,#D9F1D7,#CCEAC4,#C4E7B7,#D6F5D0,#CAEDC2,#FFCECE,#F8D5D5,#FFC4C4,#FFBDBD,#FFC1C1,#FFB6B6,#FFABAB,#FFB0B0,#FFA5A5,#F8A1A1
textcolor navajowhite
padx 90
width 340
columnlabels 2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021
United Kingdom,102,104,106,108,110,112,114
South Korea,98,100,102,104,106,108,110
Saudi Arabia,88,90,92,94,96,98,100
Activity Chart
title Contributions over last 6 years
height 140
width 600
padx 75
pady 50
columnlabels 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
datacolors #991 #aa2 #bb4 #cc4 #dd2 #ee1 #ff1
'2017', 00, 00, 00, 33, 19, 40, 33, 19, 40, 33, 19, 40, 20, 19, 40, 33, 19, 00, 33, 19, 40, 33, 19, 40, 33, 20, 40
'2018', 24, 00, 34, 00, 19, 40, 00, 19, 40, 33, 10, 20, 33, 19, 10, 33, 19, 40, 33, 20, 40, 33, 10, 40, 33, 19, 20
'2019', 00, 17, 00, 33, 19, 40, 33, 19, 40, 33, 00, 40, 10, 20, 40, 33, 00, 40, 33, 19, 40, 33, 19, 20, 33, 19, 40
'2020', 00, 00, 19, 33, 19, 00, 19, 33, 19, 33, 19, 33, 19, 33, 19, 33, 19, 33, 19, 33, 19, 33, 19, 33, 19, 33, 19
'2021', 43, 00, 24, 25, 24, 25, 24, 25, 24, 00, 24, 25, 24, 25, 24, 20, 15, 25, 24, 25, 24, 20, 24, 25, 24, 25, 24
'2022', 29, 18, 11, 18, 11, 18, 19, 18, 11, 18, 21, 18, 20, 27, 11, 18, 11, 18, 11, 18, 11, 18, 37, 18, 11, 18, 11
datacolors #4f4 #f44 #933 #b33 #d33 #f33
title QUAL for Dec 2023 til March 2024
columnlabels Dec Jan Feb March
y-axis 46 55
# uncomment below to make it candlestick chart
# candlestick 1
# uncomment below to hide the volume
# hidevolume 1
label "Look out above" "Breakout" 80 100 66 67
# Security Code,Date,Opening Price,High Sale Price,Low Sale Price,Closing Price,Total Volume Traded
QUAL,13 Dec 2023,47.48,47.72,47.48,47.58,170452
QUAL,14 Dec 2023,47.49,47.49,47.05,47.17,986978
QUAL,15 Dec 2023,47.13,47.14,46.99,47.04,235473
QUAL,18 Dec 2023,47.05,47.11,46.94,47,625495
QUAL,19 Dec 2023,47.21,47.33,47.15,47.17,154620
QUAL,20 Dec 2023,47.18,47.24,47.07,47.08,220534
QUAL,21 Dec 2023,46.97,46.97,46.77,46.87,239386
QUAL,22 Dec 2023,47.35,47.35,46.77,46.83,71699
QUAL,27 Dec 2023,47.01,47.13,46.8,46.82,59951
QUAL,28 Dec 2023,46.96,47.05,46.8,47.01,165313
QUAL,29 Dec 2023,47.08,47.08,46.92,46.95,35782
QUAL,02 Jan 2024,46.96,47.12,46.95,46.95,55954
QUAL,03 Jan 2024,47,47,46.81,46.85,41897
QUAL,04 Jan 2024,46.9,46.9,46.72,46.72,61776
QUAL,05 Jan 2024,46.87,46.99,46.86,46.96,24504
QUAL,08 Jan 2024,46.89,46.94,46.77,46.92,53665
QUAL,09 Jan 2024,47.34,47.51,47.34,47.48,78271
QUAL,10 Jan 2024,47.62,47.79,47.57,47.6,47317
QUAL,11 Jan 2024,48.05,48.13,48,48.06,63525
QUAL,12 Jan 2024,48.14,48.15,47.97,48.11,59349
QUAL,15 Jan 2024,48.13,48.37,48.13,48.37,110378
QUAL,16 Jan 2024,48.5,48.68,48.38,48.56,70190
QUAL,17 Jan 2024,48.8,48.84,48.7,48.77,44185
QUAL,18 Jan 2024,48.85,48.87,48.68,48.69,53671
QUAL,19 Jan 2024,49.15,49.27,49.14,49.27,143213
QUAL,22 Jan 2024,49.67,49.85,49.66,49.83,101722
QUAL,23 Jan 2024,50.18,50.19,49.82,49.84,118000
QUAL,24 Jan 2024,50.02,50.15,49.97,50.11,138056
QUAL,25 Jan 2024,50.27,50.3,50.18,50.22,109534
QUAL,29 Jan 2024,50.23,50.3,50.18,50.23,112987
QUAL,30 Jan 2024,50.52,50.62,50.5,50.57,131011
QUAL,31 Jan 2024,50.38,50.58,50.31,50.53,93742
QUAL,01 Feb 2024,50.5,50.5,50.14,50.34,110739
QUAL,02 Feb 2024,50.54,50.99,50.54,50.8,123845
QUAL,05 Feb 2024,51.1,52,51.1,51.59,401377
QUAL,06 Feb 2024,51.88,52.09,51.88,51.94,125017
QUAL,07 Feb 2024,51.89,51.89,51.75,51.77,135183
QUAL,08 Feb 2024,52.39,52.48,52.33,52.48,115215
QUAL,09 Feb 2024,52.64,52.73,52.62,52.7,85407
QUAL,12 Feb 2024,52.88,52.89,52.79,52.88,105792
QUAL,13 Feb 2024,53.1,53.12,52.57,52.72,120984
QUAL,14 Feb 2024,52.7,52.71,52.57,52.62,102299
QUAL,15 Feb 2024,53,53,52.83,52.98,160864
QUAL,16 Feb 2024,53.01,53.1,52.93,53.04,280312
QUAL,19 Feb 2024,53,53,52.51,52.51,113834
QUAL,20 Feb 2024,52.62,52.71,52.49,52.54,163712
QUAL,21 Feb 2024,52.13,52.13,51.87,51.97,126673
QUAL,22 Feb 2024,52.4,53.34,52.4,52.65,248234
QUAL,23 Feb 2024,53.34,53.78,53.32,53.35,272948
QUAL,26 Feb 2024,53.4,53.46,53.36,53.46,84061
QUAL,27 Feb 2024,53.55,53.59,53.44,53.45,135051
QUAL,28 Feb 2024,53.63,53.65,53.38,53.62,112761
QUAL,29 Feb 2024,53.6,53.69,53.44,53.49,108830
QUAL,01 Mar 2024,53.8,53.97,53.66,53.8,225386
QUAL,04 Mar 2024,54.02,54.32,54.02,54.32,198216
QUAL,05 Mar 2024,54.37,54.42,54.3,54.41,118747
QUAL,06 Mar 2024,54.3,54.3,53.81,53.86,106813
QUAL,07 Mar 2024,53.85,53.86,53.49,53.51,99000
QUAL,08 Mar 2024,54.18,54.25,54.09,54.13,89568
QUAL,11 Mar 2024,53.41,53.51,53.35,53.41,101601
QUAL,12 Mar 2024,53.45,53.59,53.41,53.59,141099
QUAL,13 Mar 2024,54.22,54.3,54.09,54.18,104972
width 500
height 500
padx 2
textcolor #f40
backgroundcolor #8ff
Year | Dogs | Pigs | Cats | Rats |
2010 | 23 | 54 | 41 | 72 |
2011 | 23 | 44 | 46 | 68 |
2012 | 23 | 47 | 59 | 62 |
2013 | 25 | 69 | 51 | 57 |
2014 | 33 | 12 | 41 | 56 |
2015 | 43 | 11 | 11 | 56 |
2016 | 47 | 13 | 41 | 46 |
2017 | 54 | 22 | 37 | 66 |
title Pet Adoption by Year
subtitle Paste the data from any Spreadsheet
rowbackground #fff #eee
align center right right right right
headerbackground #ddd
columnlabels Year, Dogs, Pigs, Cats, Rats
# Cut and Paste the lines below straight from your spreadsheet
2010, 23,54,41,72
2011, 23,44,46,68
2012, 23,47,59,62
2013, 25,69,51,57
2014, 33,12,41,56
2015, 43,11,11,56
2016, 47,13,41,46
2017, 54,22,37,66
Quadrant Chart
title Reach and engagement of campaigns
datacolors #DAAFE9 #C7DBF5 #AAD5FB #ADE5DA #B0EDC3 #FDF0A4 #F8D6A2 #C47ADA #90BAEE
columnlabels "Low Reach" "High Reach"
y-axis "Low Engagement" "High Engagement"
columnlabels Campaign Reach Engagement
quadrant-1 We should expand
quadrant-2 Need to promote
quadrant-3 Re-evaluate
quadrant-4 May be improved
"Email A", 0.3, 0.59
"Email B", 0.45, 0.19
"Email F", 0.57, 0.69
"TV Ad", 0.78, 0.44
Superbowl, 0.80, 0.74
"Daytime TV", 0.25, 0.32
Wave Chart
title Software Product Fit
datacolors #DAAFE9 #eaeaea #AAD5FB #9acaea #71a8d4
columnlabels "Weaker Strategy" "Stronger Strategy"
y-axis "Weaker Offering" "Stronger Offering"
columnlabels Product Strategy Strength
label "Watch for Next Release" "Huge changes expected in Q3" 25 15 30 40
height 600
width 600
"Product A", 0.3, 0.59
"Product B", 0.45, 0.19
"Product F", 0.57, 0.69
"Product C", 0.78, 0.44
"Product X", 0.80, 0.74
"Product X2", 0.25, 0.32
Gantt Chart
title Project X
width 700
height 300
padx 120
datacolors #f88 #f88 #f88 #f88 #8d8 #8d8 #88d #88d #88b #88b
# columnlabels Start End
textcolor #ccc
backgroundcolor #eff
"Design Team"
Planning 2024-01-30 2024-03-14 45
Research 2024-03-14 2024-04-14 80
"Design I" 2024-03-15 2024-06-20 30
"Design II" 2024-05-20 2024-07-21 10
"Dev Team"
Implementation 2024-05-30 2024-10-14 5
"Test Planning" 2024-07-30 2024-10-14
"User Phase"
Testing 2024-09-30 2024-11-30
Rollout 2024-11-01 2025-02-01
Follow-up 2024-09-30 2025-03-01
# label "Deadline" "for customer" 70 10 70 90
Venn Diagram
title Project Quality
width 500
height 500
textcolor mediumblue
backgroundcolor #dff
"Slow to" "Deliver"
"Tell 'em" "They're" "Dreaming"
"Poor Quality"
Kanban Board
title Project Jujitsu - Epic II
width 700
height 500
textcolor mediumblue
backgroundcolor #dff
datacolors #eee #bbb #00b #b44 #0b0
"Research project requirements"
"Create wireframes for user interface"
"Define database schema"
"Set up project repository" "High Priority"
"Install necessary dependencies"
"In Progress"
"Develop login functionality"
"Design and implement home page layout"
"Write API endpoints for data retrieval"
"Create user registration form"
"Review and provide feedback on UI wireframes"
"Conduct code review for login functionality"
"Test API endpoints and handle edge cases"
"Review database schema for optimization"
"Completed user authentication module"
"Finalized home page design"
"Implemented data retrieval endpoints"
"Finished user registration form"
"Conducted performance testing"
SWOT Analysis
"1. Unique and innovative idea for the mobile app."
"2. Strong and experienced project team with diverse skill sets."
"3. Access to reliable and efficient development tools and resources."
"4. Adequate funding and support from stakeholders."
"5. Strong market demand for mobile app solutions."
"1. Limited project timeline with tight deadlines."
"2. Lack of prior experience in developing similar mobile apps."
"3. Potential challenges in acquiring necessary licenses or permissions."
"4. Reliance on external vendors for specific components of the app."
"5. Limited marketing budget for promoting the app to the target audience."
"1. Growing mobile app market with a large user base." "TAM is huge"
"2. Potential partnerships with industry influencers for cross-promotion."
"3. Integration of emerging technologies (e.g., AI) into the app."
"4. Expanding target audience through localized versions or language support."
"1. Intense competition from existing mobile apps in the same niche." "Product X & Y are major threats"
"2. Rapidly changing technology landscape and evolving user preferences."
"3. Potential intellectual property infringements or legal challenges." "Consult Legel to mitigate"
"4. Limited user adoption or difficulty in attracting and retaining a large user base."
"5. Potential security vulnerabilities or data breaches affecting user trust." "High Risk"
OKR Chart
Objective "Key Results" "More Info"
"Increase revenue"
"Increase monthly recurring revenue (MRR) by 20%" 75%
"Achieve a customer renewal rate of 90%" 90%
"Generate $100,000 in new sales" 100%
"Launch two new upsell features" 50%
"Improve customer engagement"
"Increase monthly active users (MAU) by 15%" 95%
"Achieve a customer satisfaction (CSAT) score of 90%" 90%
"Increase user retention rate by 10%" 60%
"Implement a customer feedback system and address top 3 customer pain points" 100%
"Enhance product usability"
"Decrease average onboarding time by 20%" 40%
"Reduce customer support tickets related to usability by 30%" 30%
"Conduct 10 user testing sessions for iterative improvements" 100%
"Implement a user-friendly onboarding tutorial" 100% "Revive project Z ?"
"Expand into new markets"
"Enter two new geographic markets" 50% "Could be $$$"
"Secure partnerships with three strategic distribution channels" 66%
"Conduct market research and identify target audience in new markets" 100%
"Localize product and marketing materials for new markets" 100% "TAM is large & diverse"
"Optimize operational efficiency"
"Reduce inventory holding costs by 15%" 15%
"Implement an automated inventory management system" 100%
"Decrease order processing time by 20%" 33%
"Streamline supply chain and reduce lead times by 15%" 15% "Not in our control"
"Develop employee skills"
"Provide training sessions on two new technologies" 25%
"Create a mentorship program for professional development" 50%
"Conduct performance evaluations and establish individual development plans" 45%
"Encourage employees to attend industry conferences and workshops" 100%
Packed Circles Hierarchy Chart
title Packed Circles
datacolors #C9E6B3,#C2E4AF,#CCE9B7,#D3EFD0,#C6E6BB,#D9F1D7,#CCEAC4,#C4E7B7,#D6F5D0,#CAEDC2
width 700
height 700
Sequence Diagram
title Sequence Diagram for Alice Bob and John, Fred
Alice->>+John: Hello John, how are you?
Alice->+Bob: Bob, can you hear me?
Alice-x+John: John, It's Alice.. you OK?
John--)-Alice: Hi Alice, I can hear you!
Bob-->>-Alice: I feel great Alice
Bob-->>+Bob: Bob reminds himself
John-->>-Fred: Fred feels great!
database DB
actor Customer
control Customer Control
entity Entity Thingo
boundary 'Service Interface'
Fred-->>-Alice: I feel great Alice!
Fred-->>-DB: Database write
DB-->>Entity Thingo: Database write
Funnel Chart
title Sales Funnel
subtitle "Great ideas from all"
width 700
height 400
"Website visit", 7302, "Optional hover text"
"Downloads", 4418
"Potential customers", 3822, "Maybes ??"
"Requested price", 1753, "Live prospects"
"invoice sent", 581
"Signed Up", 436, "Income received"
Business Letter Template
Your Portfolio
Dear {greeting},
Research forecast shows that by 2030, the global technology market will grow to over $14.3 trillion at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.2%.
As the demand for technology increases, we have positioned our company as a trusted business to partner with.
We are at the forefront of technology investement. Our diversified portfolio covers all the major growth sectors.
The portfolio has exceeded all benchmarks for 5 of the last 6 years.
Looking forward to scheduling a meeting to further progress our mutual objectives.
# Your Portfolio
Dear {greeting},
Research forecast shows that by 2030, the global technology market will grow to over $14.3 trillion at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.2%.
As the demand for technology increases, we have positioned our company as a trusted business to partner with.
We are at the forefront of technology investement. Our diversified portfolio covers all the major growth sectors.
width 300
height 300
donut 90 "Sectors" "we excel in"
AI 234
Biotechnology 124
Materials 154
The portfolio has exceeded all benchmarks for 5 of the last 6 years.
width 600
datacolors red green
rowlabels "Our Fund" "Industry Benchmark"
columnlabels 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
line 2000, 4500, 4900, 6700, 8500, 9300, 11000
line 2000, 3000, 3800, 5200, 6500, 7500, 8000
Looking forward to scheduling a meeting to further progress our mutual objectives.
Presentation Template
Our Portfolio remains solid
Research forecast shows that by 2030, the global technology market will grow to over $14.3 trillion at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.2%.
As the demand for technology increases, you need to position your company as a trusted business to invest in.
We are at the forefront of technology investement. Our diversified portfolio covers all the major growth sectors.
Our returns continue exceed the industry benchmark
... by a significant margin! 🔥
Any Questions
<div style='display:grid;grid-template-columns:70% 30%;background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255,255,255, 0.7) 0 100%), url(;background-size: cover;'>
title Sector Allocation
width 300
height 300
legend 0
donut 95 ""
AI 234
Biotechnology 124
Materials 154
<center>Small Pharma, Small Tech and Materials are our forte.</center>
## Our Portfolio remains solid
Research forecast shows that by 2030, the global technology market will grow to over $14.3 trillion at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.2%.
As the demand for technology increases, you need to position your company as a trusted business to invest in.
We are at the forefront of technology investement. Our diversified portfolio covers all the major growth sectors.
<div style='display:grid;grid-template-columns:40% 60%;background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255,255,255, 0.7) 0 100%), url(;background-size: cover;'>
### Our returns continue exceed the industry benchmark
... by a significant margin! 🔥
width 600
height 300
datacolors red green
rowlabels "Our Fund" "Industry Benchmark"
columnlabels 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
line 2000, 4500, 4900, 6700, 8500, 9300, 11000
line 2000, 3000, 3800, 5200, 6500, 7500, 8000
<div style='display:grid;height:600px;background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255,255,255, 0.7) 0 100%), url(;background-size: cover;'>
# Any Questions<center>
QRCode Ticket Template
Admit One
Not transferrable
Taylor Swift
30th June 2029
at Tina Arena
Entry Time: 7:30PM Gate C3
<div style="background-color:#ddd;padding:3rem;">
width 200
height 200
padx 2
textcolor #f40
backgroundcolor #8ff
Admit One
Not transferrable
# Taylor Swift
30th June 2029
at *Tina Arena*
Entry Time: **7:30PM** Gate **C3**
Packed Circles Org Chart
"Name","Role","Reports To"
"John Smith","CEO"
"Jane Johnson","Chief Operating Officer (COO)","CEO"
"Michael Davis","Vice President of Operations","Chief Operating Officer (COO)"
"Sarah Thompson","Director of Logistics","Chief Operating Officer (COO)"
"David Adams","Director of Production","Chief Operating Officer (COO)"
"Emily Wilson","Logistic Manager", "Director of Logistics"
"Lisa Brown","Manager of Procurement","Director of Logistics"
"Mark Harris","Manager of Warehouse Operations","Director of Logistics"
"Robert Turner","Chief Financial Officer","CEO"
"Laura Anderson","Vice President of Finance","Chief Financial Officer"
"Steven Roberts","Vice President of Accounting","Chief Financial Officer"
"Jennifer Lee","Director of Financial Planning","Chief Financial Officer"
"Daniel Clark","Director of Taxation","Chief Financial Officer"
"Acc Team Member 1","Accountant","Director of Taxation"
"Acc Team Member 2","Accountant","Director of Taxation"
"Acc Team Member 3","Accountant","Director of Taxation"
"Michelle Green","Manager of Financial Analysis","Chief Financial Officer"
"Brian Hall","Manager of Tax Compliance","Chief Financial Officer"
"Richard Baker","Chief Technology Officer (CTO)","CEO"
"Amy Wilson","Vice President of Engineering","Chief Technology Officer (CTO)"
"Thomas Walker","Vice President of Product Development","Chief Technology Officer (CTO)"
"Prod Dev Team Guy 1","Dev","Vice President of Product Development"
"Prod Dev Team Guy 2","Dev","Vice President of Product Development"
"Jessica Wright","Director of Software Engineering","Vice President of Engineering"
"Andrew Turner","Director of Hardware Engineering","Vice President of Engineering"
"HW Team Guy 1","Dev","Director of Hardware Engineering"
"HW Team Guy 2","Dev","Director of Hardware Engineering"
"HW Team Guy 3","Dev","Director of Hardware Engineering"
"HW Team Guy 4","Dev","Director of Hardware Engineering"
"HW Team Guy 5","Dev","Director of Hardware Engineering"
"HW Team Guy 6","Dev","Director of Hardware Engineering"
"HW Team Guy 7","Dev","Director of Hardware Engineering"
"HW Team Guy 8","Dev","Director of Hardware Engineering"
"HW Team Guy 9","Dev","Director of Hardware Engineering"
"Bill Bright","Director of Firmware Engineering","Vice President of Engineering"
"Firmware Team Guy 1","Dev","Director of Firmware Engineering"
"Firmware Team Guy 2","Dev","Director of Firmware Engineering"
"Firmware Team Guy 3","Dev","Director of Firmware Engineering"
"Firmware Team Guy 4","Dev","Director of Firmware Engineering"
"Firmware Team Guy 5","Dev","Director of Firmware Engineering"
"Elizabeth Moore","Manager of Software Development","Director of Software Engineering"
"SW Team Guy 1","Dev","Elizabeth Moore"
"SW Team Guy 2","Dev","Elizabeth Moore"
"SW Team Guy 3","Dev","Elizabeth Moore"
"SW Team Guy 4","Dev","Elizabeth Moore"
"SW Team Guy 5","Dev","Elizabeth Moore"
"Kevin White","Manager of Hardware Design","Director of Hardware Engineering"
"Emily Carter","Manager of Research","Chief Technology Officer (CTO)"
"Stephanie Adams","Chief Marketing Officer","CEO"
"Christopher Davis","Vice President of Marketing","Chief Marketing Officer"
"Lisa Johnson","Vice President of Sales","Chief Marketing Officer"
"David Thompson","Director of Branding","Chief Marketing Officer"
"Rachel Wilson","Director of Sales Operations","Chief Marketing Officer"
"Matthew Harris","Manager of Digital Marketing","Chief Marketing Officer"
"Alex Turner","Manager of Sales Strategy","Chief Marketing Officer"
"Jessica Mitchell","Chief Human Resources Officer","CEO"
"Andrew Wilson","Vice President of HR","Chief Human Resources Officer"
"Emily Roberts","Vice President of Talent Acquisition","Chief Human Resources Officer"
"Sarah Turner","Director of Employee Relations","Chief Human Resources Officer"
"Chris Clark","Director of Recruitment","Chief Human Resources Officer"
"Michelle Brown","Manager of Employee Engagement","Chief Human Resources Officer"
"Jason Davis","Manager of Talent Sourcing","Chief Human Resources Officer"
Executive Overview - Donut Chart
Report on exotic Pets adopted in Selected European Countries
Executive Overview:
This executive overview provides a high-level summary of the report on exotic pets adopted in selected European countries. The report aims to analyze the trends, preferences, and concerns surrounding the adoption and ownership of exotic pets within these countries. The information presented is based on available data and research up until 2021.
### Report on exotic Pets adopted in Selected European Countries
#### Executive Overview:
This executive overview provides a high-level summary of the report on exotic pets adopted in selected European countries. The report aims to analyze the trends, preferences, and concerns surrounding the adoption and ownership of exotic pets within these countries. The information presented is based on available data and research up until 2021.
title Exotic Pets adopted in Italy
width 300
height 300
backgroundcolor 'rgb(0,200,0,0.5)' white white 'rgb(200,0,0,0.5)' -
donut 80 "Excludes" "Crocodiles and Alligators" "(and selected reptiles)"
Octopii 134
# You can highlight slices using offset
Goats 129 offset
Llamas 154
Project Update Gauge
Project Omega
Sprint 2
Sprint 3
## Project Omega
#### Sprint 2
title Project Status - Epic IV
width 300
height 150
backgroundcolor 'rgb(50,100,50,0.2)' white white 'rgb(50,100,50,0.2)' -
datacolors lightgreen orange #d77
donut 80 "16% complete"
"Features Added" 7
"Current Sprint" 10
Backlog 40
#### Sprint 3
title Project Status - Epic IV
width 300
height 150
backgroundcolor 'rgb(50,100,50,0.2)' white white 'rgb(50,100,50,0.2)' -
datacolors lightgreen orange #d77
donut 80 "86% complete"
"Bugs Fixed" 30
"This Sprint" 20
Backlog 20
Electrictity Cost Heatmap
title Cost of Electricity in Europe by Month - Price (EUR/MWh)
subtitle "The impact of geopolitical events and the time each country took to recover."
datacolors #3c3 #3b3 #3a3 #393 #383 #733 #833 #933 #a33 #b33 #c33 #d33 #e33 #f33
columnlabels 2015-02,2015-03,2015-04,2015-05,2015-06,2015-07,2015-08,2015-09,2015-10,2015-11,2015-12,2016-01,2016-02,2016-03,2016-04,2016-05,2016-06,2016-07,2016-08,2016-09,2016-10,2016-11,2016-12,2017-01,2017-02,2017-03,2017-04,2017-05,2017-06,2017-07,2017-08,2017-09,2017-10,2017-11,2017-12,2018-01,2018-02,2018-03,2018-04,2018-05,2018-06,2018-07,2018-08,2018-09,2018-10,2018-11,2018-12,2019-01,2019-02,2019-03,2019-04,2019-05,2019-06,2019-07,2019-08,2019-09,2019-10,2019-11,2019-12,2020-01,2020-02,2020-03,2020-04,2020-05,2020-06,2020-07,2020-08,2020-09,2020-10,2020-11,2020-12,2021-01,2021-02,2021-03,2021-04,2021-05,2021-06,2021-07,2021-08,2021-09,2021-10,2021-11,2021-12,2022-01,2022-02,2022-03,2022-04,2022-05,2022-06,2022-07,2022-08,2022-09,2022-10,2022-11,2022-12,2023-01,2023-02,2023-03,2023-04,2023-05,2023-06,2023-07,2023-08,2023-09,2023-10,2023-11,2023-12,2024-01,2024-02,2024-03
padx 140
height 440
width 1200
textcolor navajowhite
Austria, 36.69,31.3,29.78,25.33,30.11,34.98,31.61,31.89,39.37,32.38,27.79,29.03,22.0,24.3,24.21,22.55,27.7,27.18,27.18,30.51,37.14,38.21,37.47,52.41,39.68,31.69,28.72,30.61,30.0,33.01,30.86,34.3,28.29,40.38,30.71,29.5,40.12,37.36,31.96,33.66,42.39,49.59,56.22,54.76,61.65,61.82,56.33,56.03,46.03,33.07,37.75,37.92,34.58,40.08,37.68,38.05,38.99,42.75,38.12,40.69,29.09,24.6,18.26,17.53,26.59,32.31,35.98,45.54,35.49,41.18,50.19,57.68,50.39,53.65,60.08,54.81,74.34,83.61,82.94,134.69,169.78,206.31,250.03,189.16,167.8,282.63,186.41,184.52,228.58,359.2,489.46,401.46,183.9,213.13,265.72,145.16,144.65,113.23,104.89,82.25,94.9,84.72,92.78,101.38,99.2,93.64,73.03,81.43,65.77,63.57
Switzerland, 50.86,44.48,38.23,25.04,30.45,35.98,32.3,36.57,45.54,48.17,52.24,45.96,34.19,29.21,25.23,23.69,27.73,28.18,29.38,35.87,55.91,60.7,58.23,76.0,55.16,36.89,33.59,33.86,32.12,34.28,32.05,37.27,52.71,65.02,62.54,43.82,52.98,53.18,34.08,33.22,43.15,50.54,58.18,61.53,72.97,65.18,57.69,62.34,48.73,35.77,38.68,38.07,31.85,37.92,33.85,37.44,39.98,45.95,40.84,42.56,34.12,26.13,17.18,16.86,25.71,32.82,35.53,45.89,38.21,41.49,51.36,60.48,53.88,56.17,63.67,57.8,73.61,80.9,82.66,138.21,198.32,226.99,282.14,219.48,208.71,306.09,227.2,197.09,255.19,383.27,488.14,403.79,183.97,219.34,279.69,157.46,153.76,124.43,116.12,85.8,92.23,82.42,94.53,97.02,105.45,103.24,80.97,84.01,69.91,72.49
Germany, 36.69,31.3,29.78,25.33,30.11,34.98,31.61,31.89,39.37,32.38,27.79,29.03,22.0,24.3,24.21,22.55,27.7,27.18,27.18,30.51,37.14,38.21,37.47,52.41,39.68,31.69,28.72,30.61,30.0,33.01,30.86,34.3,28.29,40.38,30.71,29.5,40.12,37.36,31.96,33.66,42.39,49.59,56.22,54.76,53.08,56.68,48.11,49.41,42.81,30.61,36.97,37.83,32.5,39.71,36.82,35.77,36.95,41.0,31.97,34.98,21.91,22.52,17.05,17.6,26.23,30.07,34.89,43.68,33.96,38.8,43.55,52.79,48.71,47.18,53.66,53.33,74.13,81.29,82.81,128.34,139.54,176.25,220.96,167.87,128.78,251.76,166.0,177.51,218.18,315.26,469.35,360.18,157.78,175.45,256.66,135.59,128.39,102.4,100.83,81.65,94.84,77.48,94.41,100.73,87.32,91.18,68.38,76.63,61.36,64.66
France, 50.14,43.79,39.52,26.46,32.16,37.91,32.19,37.45,44.96,41.7,35.13,33.59,25.54,27.09,25.48,24.28,28.02,30.1,29.72,37.2,55.17,65.18,59.24,78.0,51.14,35.4,34.74,34.26,32.74,34.61,32.02,37.0,49.68,63.46,56.69,34.98,48.78,48.19,33.54,34.5,42.29,51.44,58.45,61.95,65.64,67.81,54.89,61.15,46.61,33.85,38.1,37.2,29.24,37.69,33.36,35.55,38.62,45.95,36.47,37.97,26.25,23.83,13.41,14.87,25.85,33.42,36.76,47.19,37.87,40.14,48.42,59.47,49.01,50.23,63.15,55.26,73.56,78.31,77.4,135.3,172.54,217.24,274.51,211.58,185.63,295.17,232.92,197.46,248.73,400.95,492.99,393.55,178.89,192.16,270.49,132.28,148.78,111.81,106.45,77.48,91.28,77.62,90.96,88.71,84.2,89.02,68.33,76.66,58.39,53.54
Greece, 56.94,56.22,47.95,49.53,48.18,53.18,50.18,50.74,48.05,49.57,51.32,48.74,43.91,40.76,38.98,41.29,41.33,42.59,39.04,39.96,43.17,43.11,51.11,74.62,56.18,46.2,44.6,45.78,51.3,52.53,50.57,53.06,54.89,70.43,56.22,53.49,51.62,44.23,50.41,56.36,60.68,64.44,63.84,67.06,71.43,69.3,71.25,75.25,69.02,59.85,62.39,65.96,68.09,62.19,63.98,60.95,63.28,55.35,59.7,58.39,49.17,43.6,28.48,34.27,34.09,41.17,46.18,46.52,47.32,52.57,59.0,52.51,50.37,57.64,64.2,63.19,83.53,102.03,121.61,134.72,198.52,228.88,235.36,227.35,211.73,272.32,246.91,225.07,240.83,338.32,436.76,416.41,232.16,227.84,276.97,191.66,156.25,122.75,120.44,105.46,91.6,112.63,109.33,101.93,111.16,105.46,102.2,92.99,73.57,67.48
Italy, 54.52,49.94,47.85,47.27,48.64,67.72,52.74,49.45,47.79,55.17,55.76,46.47,36.98,35.24,31.88,34.32,36.31,42.88,37.16,42.92,53.05,58.31,56.36,72.09,55.48,44.41,42.88,43.02,48.84,50.32,55.79,48.59,54.69,65.77,65.08,48.96,57.05,56.8,49.42,53.5,57.27,62.73,67.54,76.24,73.94,66.6,65.08,67.65,57.64,52.83,53.4,50.67,48.59,52.35,49.63,51.18,52.85,48.17,43.34,47.46,39.27,31.98,24.8,21.78,28.06,38.0,40.31,48.77,43.55,48.77,54.08,60.7,56.57,60.41,69.07,69.94,84.88,102.72,112.66,158.75,217.66,226.02,280.97,224.49,211.75,307.99,245.78,230.05,271.58,441.74,543.48,429.21,211.26,224.72,294.81,174.44,161.03,136.25,134.92,105.65,105.39,112.07,111.97,115.69,134.21,121.78,115.45,99.14,87.61,88.85
'Eastern Europe'
Hungary, 41.27,35.64,34.11,29.63,33.95,52.35,42.56,47.53,44.13,41.51,42.28,43.09,26.4,25.84,29.17,27.17,32.78,35.16,33.01,36.48,45.6,40.64,49.17,81.23,55.56,37.91,39.61,42.79,43.92,51.88,58.27,42.84,49.75,60.48,39.98,36.31,41.66,40.4,31.87,42.27,51.26,50.99,60.48,62.9,64.49,63.69,65.05,73.23,49.54,39.69,46.48,42.12,41.31,55.0,58.71,55.69,56.94,43.93,41.08,52.96,39.84,29.75,25.32,23.57,30.02,36.69,37.63,45.72,39.32,48.92,58.19,56.39,50.86,55.05,62.97,59.94,77.94,95.15,109.06,135.13,197.29,215.91,245.7,204.92,194.29,285.23,189.45,204.87,237.06,371.23,495.65,390.42,193.91,223.01,260.78,148.8,146.27,113.23,106.8,88.12,96.68,94.86,100.47,103.82,104.87,99.43,81.57,85.85,69.31,65.06
Czechia, 36.12,30.61,29.84,25.39,30.67,36.7,32.69,33.4,39.08,35.47,28.76,31.89,23.37,23.72,24.69,24.36,32.16,29.48,27.63,33.43,43.48,40.01,39.31,54.31,40.6,31.67,29.63,33.61,34.87,40.25,34.1,34.72,30.35,40.73,32.75,33.12,41.0,37.72,31.81,34.58,44.02,49.73,57.75,55.85,56.18,58.62,51.68,55.38,45.1,33.03,38.01,37.87,33.84,42.05,39.77,39.73,38.73,42.21,37.27,41.81,30.54,25.41,19.24,18.1,26.34,32.77,34.58,44.89,36.35,41.41,51.49,56.16,50.68,53.74,60.28,59.29,75.14,85.0,84.99,129.71,140.62,180.31,228.59,179.72,155.03,259.82,174.35,189.02,224.96,319.64,476.73,364.45,168.06,197.08,250.42,134.81,139.25,110.7,105.76,85.23,95.73,86.93,92.51,101.85,94.27,92.85,73.04,83.0,69.1,65.21
Poland, 36.23,32.64,34.04,39.07,38.87,40.05,42.34,41.59,38.89,34.9,33.87,38.45,31.7,32.69,35.9,33.47,45.23,34.62,32.41,34.69,38.58,36.8,34.56,36.75,36.04,34.39,33.16,35.5,36.06,36.39,38.46,39.51,40.06,39.53,35.49,38.84,44.51,48.79,43.18,51.2,52.89,52.62,59.47,63.12,58.91,58.68,53.38,56.14,49.48,46.56,53.2,55.4,58.34,56.5,61.56,55.99,53.17,50.32,44.55,44.14,40.87,36.94,33.3,38.55,48.39,48.98,52.29,53.74,52.19,53.55,56.65,54.79,58.89,59.63,59.36,65.65,76.23,82.34,82.4,102.24,103.23,117.8,179.38,143.99,116.81,141.33,124.27,140.64,185.27,220.08,268.88,175.5,134.12,170.95,173.55,132.59,136.85,120.43,122.03,105.67,118.3,115.73,107.06,109.83,95.38,98.43,80.08,93.48,75.97,75.36
Romania, 37.12,32.26,26.42,27.55,32.89,41.94,40.69,41.18,39.22,36.87,41.37,40.69,26.39,26.09,28.93,26.87,29.86,30.7,30.75,35.72,41.19,37.24,43.07,75.21,53.82,36.41,37.99,40.23,42.44,50.58,56.83,42.94,47.23,55.39,37.27,33.51,37.96,33.43,26.04,40.96,47.46,39.11,52.36,59.36,61.67,60.61,64.17,74.87,48.56,38.44,45.01,40.81,38.87,55.35,60.21,60.61,57.31,42.65,41.44,52.8,40.49,29.63,25.56,24.76,30.36,37.09,37.89,45.8,42.21,48.65,58.4,55.64,48.12,54.45,62.83,58.74,76.88,93.84,112.74,133.92,192.32,212.55,230.14,192.15,188.25,274.1,174.8,202.28,230.49,367.31,490.8,377.92,206.01,222.54,247.59,136.3,142.56,108.43,97.52,87.06,85.24,96.75,101.69,103.19,105.98,102.21,80.81,87.79,69.72,63.42
Slovakia, 36.66,30.96,29.97,25.79,31.23,38.53,33.24,36.61,42.29,36.62,29.9,34.47,23.37,23.98,25.86,25.16,32.27,29.48,27.63,33.43,43.39,40.32,39.6,58.13,45.78,32.12,31.52,34.26,38.21,42.1,46.45,38.68,40.46,50.73,33.17,33.41,41.99,39.6,31.75,36.08,48.78,50.38,59.39,61.8,61.78,59.88,56.44,58.83,45.32,33.34,39.31,37.87,34.56,42.07,40.64,43.42,41.85,42.1,38.91,44.37,30.72,25.51,19.34,18.26,26.34,32.77,35.18,44.99,36.36,42.46,51.56,55.77,50.49,53.75,60.69,59.78,75.83,86.37,85.59,132.65,151.17,185.38,231.95,194.79,171.37,279.1,183.68,194.8,235.8,368.43,492.47,386.52,188.29,215.85,257.7,146.58,145.42,112.79,106.29,87.56,96.69,90.96,94.5,103.59,102.66,96.01,76.98,84.57,68.71,65.42
Slovenia, 42.02,36.34,34.81,30.4,34.2,54.02,42.94,46.42,43.76,45.57,44.19,43.16,27.2,26.35,28.35,26.55,31.95,36.06,32.73,37.3,45.82,41.74,49.58,76.81,53.1,37.17,38.34,40.1,44.26,50.0,57.41,41.94,50.58,59.84,44.59,37.95,43.38,42.25,32.23,40.84,50.68,51.54,60.85,64.13,64.05,63.1,62.43,68.77,49.68,39.56,45.63,41.31,40.02,51.25,54.61,55.3,55.22,43.84,39.52,50.24,39.26,29.41,23.74,21.23,27.96,35.22,37.61,45.85,38.56,46.93,54.52,57.53,50.38,55.94,64.51,59.87,78.47,93.65,105.58,138.6,202.73,215.81,252.4,206.9,195.4,293.44,192.69,202.06,246.11,374.96,494.38,394.66,196.89,222.73,264.25,146.65,145.64,113.56,106.09,86.09,95.11,90.21,94.76,102.56,103.42,95.79,75.48,83.13,67.17,64.08
'Low Countries'
Belgium, 50.54,47.05,47.69,37.58,39.12,42.58,42.44,52.49,55.43,43.11,35.94,32.6,25.4,27.12,25.43,25.38,30.7,31.32,28.91,37.73,57.19,62.32,54.92,72.66,47.55,34.47,37.32,37.2,32.72,33.55,31.79,37.2,49.01,66.63,55.02,36.81,47.39,50.7,37.74,44.56,49.93,52.96,60.74,68.72,76.05,77.73,59.66,60.48,47.57,37.61,37.92,38.0,27.49,37.76,33.69,33.58,37.62,44.41,36.36,37.85,28.36,24.02,14.68,15.41,25.59,29.87,35.55,44.23,39.38,39.93,47.4,57.44,48.57,46.63,57.04,55.61,74.49,77.37,79.55,136.15,165.37,202.17,245.43,191.56,162.64,265.51,186.72,176.67,219.29,321.55,448.12,345.73,157.51,180.7,268.88,130.87,143.51,109.48,105.62,80.11,93.17,75.29,92.05,94.35,86.34,91.53,69.26,78.63,61.53,61.13
Luxembourg, 36.69,31.3,29.78,25.33,30.11,34.98,31.61,31.89,39.37,32.38,27.79,29.03,22.0,24.3,24.21,22.55,27.7,27.18,27.18,30.51,37.14,38.21,37.47,52.41,39.68,31.69,28.72,30.61,30.0,33.01,30.86,34.3,28.29,40.38,30.71,29.5,40.12,37.36,31.96,33.66,42.39,49.59,56.22,54.76,53.08,56.68,48.11,49.41,42.81,30.61,36.97,37.83,32.5,39.71,36.82,35.77,36.95,41.0,31.97,34.98,21.91,22.52,17.05,17.6,26.23,30.07,34.89,43.68,33.96,38.8,43.55,52.79,48.71,47.18,53.66,53.33,74.13,81.29,82.81,128.34,139.54,176.25,220.96,167.87,128.78,251.76,166.0,177.51,218.18,315.26,469.35,360.18,157.78,175.45,256.66,135.59,128.39,102.4,100.83,81.65,94.84,77.48,94.41,100.73,87.32,91.18,68.38,76.63,61.36,64.66
Netherlands, 46.37,42.18,41.4,37.34,38.73,42.19,38.87,39.65,41.45,38.44,33.71,31.56,25.2,26.14,25.32,27.2,32.6,33.07,28.35,32.87,38.01,42.85,43.5,50.76,43.06,34.53,35.35,35.06,33.3,34.46,33.06,38.75,39.88,47.27,46.47,38.8,44.57,51.82,39.72,47.08,51.36,53.3,58.02,63.32,59.93,62.29,59.66,58.3,46.85,40.5,40.84,40.19,36.23,39.62,37.41,36.58,37.96,42.71,37.4,37.07,29.55,24.75,18.97,17.67,26.26,29.35,34.07,42.6,37.11,41.05,48.28,53.62,49.23,48.89,53.87,56.12,76.51,82.58,86.66,136.39,163.81,186.3,237.8,189.24,168.29,261.03,195.31,181.4,210.7,306.86,447.25,340.89,155.51,179.48,258.49,126.13,134.91,104.44,98.71,77.88,92.04,71.69,91.42,98.7,90.19,94.46,73.04,78.43,63.91,63.38
'Western & Warm'
Spain, 42.61,43.08,45.39,45.15,54.75,59.53,55.61,51.87,49.89,51.22,52.59,36.51,27.48,27.79,24.1,25.81,38.92,40.52,41.14,43.6,52.85,56.15,60.49,71.51,51.7,43.16,43.69,47.17,50.2,48.63,47.45,49.16,56.78,59.22,57.85,50.05,54.87,40.16,42.69,54.98,58.45,61.88,64.34,71.25,65.11,61.96,61.81,61.96,54.02,48.84,50.4,48.39,47.16,51.46,44.95,42.13,47.15,42.19,33.81,41.08,35.86,27.74,17.61,21.33,30.63,34.62,36.21,41.95,36.55,41.96,41.97,60.1,28.54,45.48,65.06,67.18,83.31,92.37,106.08,156.4,199.67,193.72,238.97,201.8,200.31,283.19,191.52,187.16,169.43,142.68,154.99,140.92,127.22,115.57,96.75,69.73,133.49,89.58,73.82,74.17,93.05,90.46,96.09,103.36,89.84,63.57,72.12,74.11,39.9,20.28
Portugal, 42.61,43.15,45.54,45.21,54.76,59.59,55.62,52.42,49.88,51.48,52.89,36.38,27.33,27.68,23.48,24.98,38.31,40.35,41.13,43.63,52.8,56.27,60.27,71.54,51.35,43.92,44.17,47.18,50.2,48.6,47.43,49.17,56.98,59.39,59.43,51.68,54.97,39.72,42.68,55.15,58.47,61.84,64.3,71.28,65.41,62.01,61.86,62.66,54.73,49.22,50.65,48.75,47.18,51.46,44.95,42.16,47.19,42.12,33.68,40.9,36.03,27.85,17.73,21.44,30.66,34.62,36.13,41.92,36.43,42.11,42.04,60.63,28.24,45.42,64.98,67.18,83.3,92.55,106.13,156.79,199.7,193.79,239.07,201.98,200.81,283.09,192.01,187.19,169.63,143.83,157.36,141.1,127.22,115.4,96.35,69.53,134.25,89.93,77.05,76.05,95.62,93.79,97.91,104.17,89.55,63.38,72.15,74.09,39.76,19.26
Estonia, 33.42,30.31,30.5,32.27,27.26,28.04,31.23,31.69,35.02,32.88,26.72,37.63,28.28,29.4,29.73,28.26,36.23,30.96,31.38,32.4,37.57,40.86,34.0,33.27,35.13,30.65,31.17,30.64,30.66,34.34,36.35,37.26,33.45,33.7,32.01,37.11,43.38,45.31,39.81,38.73,47.81,54.07,55.4,50.89,46.37,52.62,53.03,55.79,47.26,40.08,42.11,42.35,43.47,48.97,49.05,48.78,47.69,45.72,39.04,30.82,28.09,23.99,23.68,25.02,37.76,30.17,40.92,39.55,37.65,40.99,45.5,53.57,59.12,43.51,43.69,48.36,71.81,83.7,87.15,122.37,105.61,116.88,202.55,141.86,104.59,151.16,100.71,151.36,174.6,233.69,360.7,229.42,174.15,219.23,263.05,99.38,113.09,87.08,65.88,65.69,91.54,79.35,94.49,113.19,87.49,105.34,88.91,126.47,75.57,68.19
Latvia, 39.44,32.21,34.81,37.35,42.78,44.25,46.44,44.27,56.52,45.75,38.35,50.01,29.65,29.85,30.71,32.68,40.54,38.31,33.76,34.04,38.51,40.47,34.17,35.15,36.26,30.65,31.41,32.45,38.37,36.29,37.33,37.68,33.71,34.87,32.26,37.59,43.5,46.08,39.96,43.76,50.92,54.57,59.07,58.95,55.06,55.25,53.6,56.65,47.26,40.05,43.44,44.3,44.67,49.0,49.46,48.86,47.35,45.26,39.03,30.82,28.04,23.99,23.5,24.52,38.65,31.87,43.44,39.85,37.76,41.1,44.87,53.56,59.12,43.51,43.69,48.36,76.36,88.25,87.44,123.47,106.4,125.48,207.3,143.96,104.64,167.14,109.45,164.35,217.69,304.98,467.09,351.48,189.16,226.68,263.51,99.85,113.74,87.67,65.88,78.14,98.08,83.63,102.6,116.98,87.49,105.34,88.91,117.15,74.83,68.14
Lithuania, 39.44,32.21,35.61,37.35,42.78,44.25,46.44,44.27,56.52,45.84,38.35,50.31,29.65,30.79,33.04,32.87,40.54,39.22,33.78,34.04,38.36,40.57,34.78,36.89,36.45,31.26,31.42,32.45,38.37,36.29,37.3,37.78,34.36,36.2,33.06,37.62,43.51,46.08,40.11,43.76,51.06,54.57,59.05,59.07,55.7,55.42,53.6,56.53,46.95,39.97,43.44,44.14,44.67,48.99,49.34,48.8,46.99,44.7,38.96,30.82,27.76,23.97,23.3,24.52,38.64,31.77,43.35,39.44,37.76,41.19,45.76,53.66,59.28,47.99,44.81,50.38,77.79,88.25,87.85,123.93,108.92,127.91,212.11,146.01,104.67,170.06,116.52,164.86,222.65,305.38,480.5,359.38,189.21,226.87,263.88,103.17,114.66,88.59,67.26,78.14,98.08,83.63,102.6,117.01,87.49,105.34,88.91,117.39,74.83,68.14
Denmark, 29.94,26.88,25.91,22.56,20.06,13.69,22.74,22.82,26.49,25.52,19.21,27.4,18.79,21.39,22.07,23.81,30.58,27.69,28.63,29.75,34.65,38.66,29.7,32.07,30.98,29.45,27.97,29.38,28.49,31.72,33.37,35.5,29.23,33.69,28.33,31.09,38.77,39.96,35.95,36.14,46.33,52.63,56.15,50.61,48.79,54.3,47.66,50.88,43.25,34.4,39.41,37.7,33.15,38.92,38.49,36.15,39.53,42.11,34.55,25.88,18.07,18.91,15.62,17.17,27.56,25.17,36.93,38.84,26.16,28.26,36.4,50.44,50.06,45.73,47.99,54.62,73.73,80.46,83.49,124.76,112.93,139.97,189.96,115.64,108.21,232.72,159.66,168.51,214.16,259.55,454.45,336.76,137.08,141.92,248.97,107.57,111.36,95.27,91.44,70.86,92.22,64.78,86.19,85.03,58.66,85.64,69.95,76.15,57.06,61.15
Finland, 33.17,29.42,30.09,25.84,21.52,27.55,31.15,31.74,33.54,31.74,26.55,37.83,26.09,27.09,27.25,28.07,35.42,30.96,31.38,32.52,37.43,41.01,33.99,33.3,35.07,30.67,31.4,30.66,30.65,34.18,36.3,37.26,33.43,33.67,31.91,37.08,43.38,45.59,40.14,38.7,47.18,54.01,55.5,50.96,46.36,50.08,52.3,55.81,46.75,39.98,41.37,39.86,30.73,45.96,48.74,48.76,46.36,45.71,38.4,27.14,24.44,20.35,19.81,19.46,28.25,20.27,40.57,37.78,31.08,27.64,39.27,51.25,57.1,38.32,36.83,45.9,56.18,78.79,68.14,89.3,64.85,86.05,193.27,106.83,80.85,86.63,79.42,132.35,140.33,183.92,261.53,215.46,113.21,195.62,245.6,78.87,80.04,74.13,60.54,26.52,43.43,32.93,66.42,32.75,37.7,69.77,76.19,106.16,51.59,59.41
Norway, 28.46,24.94,25.0,22.05,13.71,8.94,11.69,15.19,21.45,24.25,17.81,27.91,19.19,21.38,21.83,22.74,25.42,24.74,23.63,24.21,31.96,38.04,31.39,29.97,31.32,30.04,28.96,27.96,23.7,24.98,26.09,30.35,27.77,31.48,30.7,32.16,38.34,43.6,38.9,33.58,44.79,51.76,50.97,46.99,41.95,47.66,51.48,54.4,45.95,41.68,41.34,39.13,28.51,34.79,35.36,31.21,36.63,41.86,37.14,24.2,12.86,8.37,4.69,7.77,2.1,1.88,4.67,9.21,12.33,4.86,17.95,45.79,48.01,35.6,38.2,43.4,41.71,48.64,63.86,85.25,70.33,82.16,135.92,101.33,84.58,131.45,127.81,106.69,104.0,128.94,246.07,238.52,89.32,88.74,217.2,97.09,80.8,82.45,79.47,51.39,51.78,35.87,28.87,15.8,30.11,76.72,74.66,69.42,52.64,56.14
Sweden, 29.59,25.88,25.5,22.6,16.07,9.07,16.29,21.07,23.63,25.53,19.41,30.49,19.49,21.75,22.09,23.68,33.74,28.96,30.49,29.26,36.3,41.0,33.33,32.29,33.29,30.42,28.95,29.59,27.22,30.82,33.63,36.25,30.58,32.43,30.74,32.46,39.97,44.86,38.83,33.34,44.65,52.54,54.64,49.71,45.29,50.22,50.86,54.34,45.56,39.38,39.66,35.06,25.07,35.5,37.25,34.95,38.25,41.78,35.96,24.13,17.68,13.33,9.07,12.37,21.17,11.38,31.71,33.16,22.58,22.48,29.79,48.11,51.57,35.83,33.68,42.9,44.57,58.46,67.26,89.31,61.44,80.8,156.71,88.21,65.23,108.39,83.56,95.36,114.83,74.8,190.12,190.08,67.95,119.35,234.59,80.66,71.22,69.02,60.95,37.3,52.26,32.71,30.6,21.74,26.03,68.25,69.32,68.63,44.5,52.7